2023 Global AI Finance Research Conference

Call for Papers

The FinTech Research & Education Center at Sungkyunkwan University, University of Hong Kong in Vietnam, and Asian Institute of Digital Finance at National University of Singapore will be holding the annual international conference in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam on December 11 to 12, 2023. Korea Finance Association continues to participate in the conference as a co-organizer. The conference provides a platform for researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to present current research and stimulate exchanges on new developments in FinTech areas. The conference will accept only a small number of papers to enhance its quality and be held in-person only.


Papers in all areas of FinTech are welcome. Topics of interest include:

Keynote speakers
Christine Parlour, UC Berkeley
Paper submission and registration
Authors must submit papers and register for the conference at https://www.conftool.net/aifinconf2023/. The submission deadline is August 31, 2023.
The authors will be notified of the review committee’s decision by September 30, 2023.
Best paper awards
The best paper will be selected by the review committee and awarded with an honorarium of $2,000.
Dual submission to asian review of financial research (Indexed by scopus)
Authors may submit conference papers to Asian Review of Financial Research (http://journal.korfin.org/) for publication. They will receive the research fund of $4,000 per paper upon publication at the journal.
Program chair
Kyojik “Roy” Song, Director, FinTech R&E Center at SKKU
Conference Contact
For additional information, please contact us via email at aifinconf@gmail.com.

Global AI Finance Research Conference

BK21 FinTech Research & Education Center, SKKU, Seoul, KoreaTel +82-2-760-0736E-mail fintech@skku.edu
COPYRIGHT 2022 Global AI Finance Research Conference. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Designed by way21